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The Author

Dr. Mona Balogh, M.D. is a retired Emergency Room Physician. She received her medical degree at Southwestern Medical School in Dallas, Texas. Her residency was completed in Emergency Medicine at the well-known Los Angeles County General Hospital near downtown L.A., notable for its proximity to South Central and serving an underserved population that often arrived at the ER without resources for medical care. She offered her medical expertise as a volunteer for The Flying Samaritans, which mission is to deliver free health care to those lacking access in Baja California, Mexico.  

Dr. Balogh in her early career eventually landed at Kaiser Woodland Hills Medical Center in the San Fernando Valley near Los Angeles, where she practiced as an ER doctor for many years. Over time, she came to regard the practice of medicine as a true art, and learned that even simple lifestyle changes can directly impact patient outcomes. 

Probably because of what many would agree to be a wise approach, Dr. Balogh became interested in alternative medicine midway in her career, after attending an Addiction Medicine seminar. This passion led her to more study on holistic approaches to health. She pursued other therapeutic modalities that could complement evidence-based (Western) medicine. Since then she has studied both formally and informally: acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine, energy medicine, herbal, and homeopathic medicine. Her interest in treating and helping the most resistant of patients, the 'frequent flyers,' led her to write this book. She lives with her husband, Endre, an artist and musician in Chatsworth, California and is enjoying her children and grandchildren. Read about her 10-day Vipassana experience.